Friday, 4 August 2017

Using Debugger in JDev 12c

Hi All,

In this post I will take up the new feature introduced by Oracle in SOA 12c release. 
"Debugger" makes developer life simpler by providing us platform to test and debug our composite in Jdev IDE itself.

Before in 11g we followed steps like Develop the composite in JDev, deploy it to application server, Test it and debug the composite with the flow trace.

With the introduction of Debugger lot of time and complexity has got reduced drastically.

So lets now see how to use devugger feature in our hello_world Composite. 


Use Case: I have created a hello_world project which takes input from the user and provides the output as Hello concatenated with the input that user provides.

Now we can follow the below steps to test this composite using debugger in JDev 12c IDE and can debug if we find any errors:


1. Navigate to the project - select Debug option 

2. In the next step we get a wizrd , where in we need to fill host and port number (5004 usually)

3. Moving forward, Create breakpoints pair and toggle breakpoints in your .bpeljust showed as below:

4. Our composite will look like this now:

5. In the next step we can Initiate WS Debugging by right clicking on the context

6. Http Analyzer wizard opens up asks for input payload ( Here input - India), once request is sent use "Step Over in .jpr" button to test the composite step by step.
Follow below steps:

 This is Step in over hello_world.jpr button

7. Finally in Http Analyzer we can see our test result: Hello gets concatenated with the input string India

8. Forget not to stop the debugger, Otherwise in deug mode we cannot be able to edit the compoiste. So how can we stop the debugger? Follow below steps:

Yes Now we know how to test our composite in Jdev 12c using Debugger.


Let's Explore SOA..... :)

- Krithika 

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