Hi All,
This post is about naming your Composite Instance so that it can be easily identified among a pile of instances.
"setCompositeInstanceTitle function sets the composite instance title and returns it. In BPEL you must assign the return value to a variable"
Use case: Suppose we are getting orders for different items and we would like to identify each order based upon some Unique OrderID. Then instead of going through the audit trail/flow to find out; we can try to add unique id along with composite instance id in Composite Instance Title.
Such that it is easy to identify which instance is processing which OrderID.
I am taking my previous developed composite - Correlation to demonstrate setting of Composite Instance Title.
1. Add Assign activity after Receive like below:
2. Add a global variable Title of type String
Choose from Advanced Function; Ora:setCompositeInstancetitle() ; then
add concat (orderID+CompositeInstanceID)
Actual xpath:
ora:setCompositeInstanceTitle(concat('OrderID',bpws:getVariableData('inputVariable','part','/client:Order/client:OrderID'),' ',' ','CompositeInstanceID-', ora:getCompositeInstanceId()))
4. Save all and Deploy
1. Testing with inputs: OrderID - 03
2. Checking Composite name:
This post is about naming your Composite Instance so that it can be easily identified among a pile of instances.
"setCompositeInstanceTitle function sets the composite instance title and returns it. In BPEL you must assign the return value to a variable"
Use case: Suppose we are getting orders for different items and we would like to identify each order based upon some Unique OrderID. Then instead of going through the audit trail/flow to find out; we can try to add unique id along with composite instance id in Composite Instance Title.
Such that it is easy to identify which instance is processing which OrderID.
I am taking my previous developed composite - Correlation to demonstrate setting of Composite Instance Title.
1. Add Assign activity after Receive like below:
2. Add a global variable Title of type String
3. Edit Assign then Add function to newly added variable Title:
add concat (orderID+CompositeInstanceID)
Actual xpath:
ora:setCompositeInstanceTitle(concat('OrderID',bpws:getVariableData('inputVariable','part','/client:Order/client:OrderID'),' ',' ','CompositeInstanceID-', ora:getCompositeInstanceId()))
4. Save all and Deploy
1. Testing with inputs: OrderID - 03
2. Checking Composite name:
Thus, we can see our use case has been achieved, now instance name has OrderID and InstanceID.
Let's keep exploring SOA!
More to come
- Krithika :)
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